
Creating a profile on Freelancer & Finding work

Matt Barrie is the CEO & Chairman of freelancer. It is the world’s largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace for many users and projects. They connect over 61,595,288 employers and freelancers globally from over 247 countries, regions, and territories. Moreover, it has acquired several outsourcing marketplaces & also illustrates its online economy. 

The website searches for suitable jobs for your required talents. It allows you to become competitive & shows how much your experienced rivals charged typically. 

The unique feature of this website is showing how much people are biding to a single project, whereas other websites don’t have this. 

Lastly, it allows clients and freelancers to work together on online and offline projects over various categories through projects and contests.

1- How to create a profile?

Sign up

If you want to get started as a freelancer, it’s easy & simple. Here are the few steps to sign up.

  1. From the website home page, click on sign up.
  2. You can also choose to sign up through Facebook or email.
  3. Get agreed to their Privacy policy & Terms and Conditions.
  4. Add a username. Keep that in mind once you have chosen a username that can’t be changed.
  5. Click on next once done.
  6. Now, select your account type and you change it anytime through the account setting page.
  7. After completing your account details and verifying your email address.

2- How to find work?

a) Before looking for work, check out the following things

  • Firstly, your profile will serve as your resume. So, keep it updated and complete.
  • Secondly, Upload a professional-looking photo.
  • Thirdly, specify your hourly rate.
  • And also, add your relevant skills.
  • Lastly, verify your email address.

b) Looking for work on freelancer.com can be done in several ways.

  • By joining contests
  • And by binding on projects

c) From the search page, you can choose 'browse the menu' & choose between Contests & Projects.

d) On the Search Projects page, you can filter the projects by the following:

  • Project Type
  • Price / Hourly rate
  • Skills
  • Listing Types (Project)
  • Location
  • Languages

e) On the Search Contests page, you can filter the contests by the following:

  • Contest Prize
  • Skills
  • Listing Types (Contest)

f) You can also get work from live notifications, newsletter emails, and by becoming a service provider.

In conclusion, I would like to say that politeness & patience is the key to everyone’s success. Freelancer.com provides a great opportunity while finding a suitable job for a person according to their talent. It will help to build trust with your buyers through your expertise & communication skills. 

Here is the link https://www.freelancer.com/ for you all to grab the chance in the world of freelancers. 


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